What a Car Locksmith Can Do For You
When you’ve locked your car but left your keys inside or you’re unable to access your vehicle for some reason, a car locksmith is the person to contact. It would be risky to leave your car unattended for long periods, especially with your keys locked inside. The latest statistics reveal that one motor vehicle is stolen every 41 seconds in the United States. You’ll be surprised to know the range of specialty services car locksmiths can provide. Read on to find out what a car locksmith can do:
1. Unlock Cars
If you’ve locked yourself out of your vehicle, your best option is to call a car locksmith. This trained, licensed professional will skillfully open up your vehicle with their tools without causing any damage.
2. Key Duplication
Knowing the trouble of being locked out of your car, and you certainly don’t want to be in that situation again, you might want to get your car key duplicated. A car locksmith will be able to do this for you. While the normal car key is easier to get copied, the newer transponder keys aren’t. You could get a simple metal key made to unlock your doors, but if your engine doesn’t start without the key’s signal, you won’t be able to start your engine with the duplicate, so keep this in mind.
3. Removing A Broken Key
It isn’t uncommon for car keys to snap off because of natural wear. Quite unexpected, if your key breaks in the lock, removing it by yourself might be next to impossible. A broken key, half in your hand and half in the lock or ignition, is of no use to you. Keys usually snap such that the crevices on the skinny part are revealed. A car locksmith, with the use of key extraction kits and tools, will be able to get the broken piece out, either by connecting with the key or getting a grip on both sides of the key.
4. Fixing a Car Ignition
An added advantage: car locksmiths can fix or even replace the ignition of your car. Whether it’s a minor issue or complex ones, they can get your entire ignition replaced, including the wiring.
5. Programming A Car Key
Newer car models have remote keys to lock and unlock the car. There are cars that use proximity keys that start a car without a blade. A skilled car locksmith can reprogram these types of transponder keys or make an entirely new one.
If you are having key trouble and are seeking a locksmith, give us a call! We can help you from unlocking your car to making you a key duplicate.